MECC有一个学生申诉程序,提供公平有序的程序来解决学生对不适当待遇的投诉.  A gri伊娃nce is defined as a written claim raised by a student alleging improper, 不公平的, 任意的, 或由雇员或学生实施的歧视行为,涉及应用学院或规则/条例或董事会政策或程序的特定条款.

靠谱的买球网站(MECC)努力找到一个公平的解决方案,所有学生投诉在最低的行政水平. MECC students have the right to file formal complaints regarding MECC personnel or actions. 学生投诉的定义是那些性质不重要的投诉, 无论是学术的还是非学术的, made formally by submitting a completed and signed 学生抱怨 Form to a college employee within ten (10) calendar days of occurrence.  The 学生抱怨 Form is located at on the College Website under “学生支持” This policy does not apply to (a) student grade appeals, (b)所有人力资源政策, (c) all appeal and gri伊娃nce policies and procedures explicitly described in the VCCS Policy Manual, (d)其他MECC政策涵盖的任何正式上诉或申诉.g., code of conduct, admissions, financial aid, satisfactory academic progress, etc.).  学生可以将学生投诉表格提交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站任何员工,该员工将把表格转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任,以便适当分发.


The elements of a formal complaint of an academic nature may vary based on the nature of the complaint.  在一般情况下, academic-related complaints are first addressed by the Dean of the academic area for which the complaint originates. 如果投诉在这个级别得到解决, documentation of the initial complaint and resolution remains in the office of the Dean of the academic area.

在院长级别无法解决的投诉文件将在上诉时提供推荐几个靠谱的买球网站负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长.  上诉中的正式投诉包括:

  • The elements of a formal complaint of an academic nature may vary based on the nature of the complaint. 在一般情况下, academic-related complaints are first addressed by the Dean of the academic area for which the complaint originates. 如果投诉在这个级别得到解决, documentation of the initial complaint and resolution remains in the office of the Dean of the academic area.  院长提出的正式投诉的文件由学生事务委员会的联络处保存,并由负责投诉地区的院长保存一份文件副本.


  • The initial complaint, including any information gathered from the complainant.
  • A written response (hard copy or e-mail) sent to the complainant by the 学术 Dean. 除了书面答复, 教务长将包括学生事务委员会和负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长的申诉程序, 投诉人是否可以选择在任何一级上诉.
  • 诉状或上诉的书面副本, if the Complainant chooses to file a written complaint to the Student Affairs Committee.
  • 学生事务委员会对投诉人的书面答复,并将副本交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长.
  • An appeal to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案, 如投诉人选择提出上述上诉.
  • The final response of the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 to the Complainant’s appeal.


The elements of a formal complaint of a non-academic nature may vary based on the nature of the complaint. All non-academic complaints should be forwarded to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, 由收到投诉表格的学生或员工负责, who will review and forward the complaint to the Supervisor of the department and/or division where the complaint originated. 如果投诉由主管解决, documentation of the initial complaint and resolution remains in the office of the supervisor of the area with a copy forwarded to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任; however, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任将保留一份正式投诉表格的原件和将投诉转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站推荐几个靠谱的买球网站办公室相应区域的文件. If the complaint is not resolved at the level where the complaint originated, the documentation is housed at the level where the complaint is resolved (Student Affairs committee or VP of 学术 Affairs & 劳动力解决方案.) Elements of a formal complaint of a 非学术 Nature under appeal include:

  • The initial complaint, including any information gathered from the complainant.
  • A written response (hard copy or email) sent to the complainant by the supervisor. 除了书面答复, 主管将包括学生事务委员会和负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长的申诉程序, 投诉人是否可以选择在任何一级上诉.
  • 诉状或上诉的书面副本, if the Complainant chooses to file a written complaint to the Student Affairs Committee.
  • 学生事务委员会对投诉人的书面答复,并将副本交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长.
  • An appeal to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案, 如投诉人选择提出上述上诉
  • The final response of the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 to the Complainant’s appeal.


负责监督投诉发生地的学院管理人员首先处理学生提出的正式投诉. All academic complaints should be forwarded to the 学术 Dean of the area where the complaint originated, and all non-academic complaints should be forwarded to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任 within ten (10) calendar days of occurrence. 因此,处理投诉的管理员从投诉人以及适当的个人那里收集正式投诉表格和与投诉有关的任何其他信息,以及与投诉有关的信息和/或与投诉有关的可用文件. 在调查之后, 如果学生选择对该决定提出上诉,书面回复(纸质或电子邮件)将与学生事务委员会和学术事务和劳动力解决方案副总裁的上诉程序一起发送推荐几个靠谱的买球网站投诉人. A copy of the complaint and the written response is also sent to the 招生服务主任, 谁是学生事务委员会的联络人, 以及负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长. 如投诉人对答复不满意, 学生可向学生事务委员会提出书面申诉.

在上诉案件中, 学生事务委员会收集信息,并向投诉人提供书面答复,并将副本交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长. 如投诉人对委员会的答复不满意, he/she may thereupon file an appeal to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案. 在考虑投诉人的上诉后, the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 provides a final response with his/her decision regarding the complaint. 负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长保存了一份档案,其中记录了所有正式投诉和对该办公室提出申诉的回应. All formal complaints are recorded on the Complaint Log housed on a secure network by MECC. The Dean or Vice President of the area where the complaint originated is responsible for entering the data onto the Complaint Log. The external release and retention of a student’s conduct record or any portion of its contents may only occur in accordance with Federal law.

靠谱的买球网站尽一切努力及时处理学生投诉,并努力解决投诉,使各方都满意. 学生投诉和上诉程序适用于所有MECC学生, 包括那些通过远程学习上课的人.


如果学生对投诉所在地区主管的书面答复不满意,可以提出上诉. 向学生事务委员会提出的书面上诉必须在收到原始书面决定的72小时内以书面形式向招生服务主任提出, 或者是9点.m. on the next College business day if the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, or after 5 p.m. 在工作日.

学生事务委员会主席将在学生提出上诉请求后不迟于十(10)个日历日安排上诉听证会. The Student Affairs Committee chairperson will be responsible for notifying the student, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, the supervisor of the area where the complaint originated and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 of the day, time, 以及听证会的地点. The Student Affairs Committee shall make its decision by simple majority vote and communicate its findings in writing to the student, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, 招生服务主任, and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 within five (5) business days after the hearing is completed.

随后的上诉必须在收到书面上诉决定后48小时内以书面形式提交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长, 或者是9点.m. on the next College business day if the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, or after 5 p.m. 在工作日.

负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长办公室或其指定人员将在学生提出上诉请求后不迟于十(10)个日历日安排上诉听证会. 负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长或其指定人员将在听证会结束后的(5)个工作日内做出决定,并以书面形式将其调查结果告知学生和推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任.

The decision of the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 or his/her designee is the final decision for the College.


根据国家授权互惠协议(SARA), 上述投诉程序受弗吉尼亚州高等教育国务委员会(SCHEV)的监督,该委员会负责处理居住在弗吉尼亚州以外、通过弗吉尼亚州高等教育委员会注册在线课程的学生提出的投诉.  Before filing a complaint with SCHEV, students must follow the full complaint process at MECC.  然后, 如果投诉没有得到内部解决, the student may submit the 学生抱怨 form to SCHEV for further review. 根据SARA,不允许对成绩和学生行为提出申诉.


感到种族歧视的学生, color, 宗教, 性别, or disability may also seek resolution through the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the 美国 Department of Education.  学生是否利用了学校的投诉程序, the OCR complaint must be filed within 60 calendar days from the date of MECC’s final decision.  如果没有遵循学院的投诉程序, students have up to 180 calendar days from the time of the alleged discrimination to file with OCR.  有关如何向OCR提出投诉的更多资料,请浏览


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